Thursday, March 2, 2017

(On Newsstands in Apr 1940)

The excitement of superheroes was really taking hold, as the Blue Beetle's second self titled comic hit the stands and the Batman's first solo title was also this month. Right there next to them was MLJ's growing in popularity the Shield in Pep Comics, now on it's fifth issue!
(from Pep Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

The 'Mosconians' sound suspiciously German in their language!
(from Pep Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

Even though Batman had introduced the Bat-gyro in Detective #31 a few months earlier, the Bat PLANE wouldn't be introduced until Batman #1 this month. The Wizard already HAD a plane (the Strato-Plane) which he gladly lends out to the Shield in this issue! The bromance is in full bloom!
(from Pep Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

It's not like the hot headed Comet doesn't man handle pretty much anyone he comes into contact with... but that... character syntax... yeah, we won't be seeing that in the latest Archie...
(from Pep Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Jack Cole)

I'm enjoying these Mort Meskin 'Press Guardian' stories, just as much to see the things Ditko was influenced by! 
(from Pep Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Mort Meskin)

(On Newsstands in Apr 1940)

That Steel Sterling... he was certainly the Superman of MLJ Comics... always hanging from planes and taking on the really dangerous stunts... he is, after all, the ORIGINAL Man of Steel!
(from Zip Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Charles Biro)

Texa continues to give the Scarlet Avenger all he can handle, but switches to a white costume for this issue. Hey, I just think it's cool to see a Golden Age female villain - I can't help it if she's conscious about her wardrobe! She's no slouch on the disintegrator gun though!
(from Zip Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

The way we phrase things has changed, obviously, over the last 75+ years, as Nevada Jones shows us.
(from Zip Comics #5 - Apr 1940, artwork by Frank Volp)

(On Newsstands in Apr 1940)

Quite a spectacular cover for Top Notch Comics #6, as the Wizard shares it with a new story...
(from Top Notch Comics #6 - on newsstands Apr 1940, artwork by Edd Ashe)

... the Lin Streeter spectacular 'GALAHAD'...seems like a good way to ramp up some violence!
(from Top Notch Comics #6 - on newsstands Apr 1940, artwork by Lin Streeter)

You don't realize what a simple layout design, seen over and over, will do until someone throws in one of these circle inserts out of the blue... stands out like a happy face in the middle of a page! Thanks William Wills!... from Streak Chandler in "The Plot to Murder Mars'  
(from Top Notch Comics #6 - on newsstands Apr 1940, artwork by William Wills)

Karnak the Mystic Magician (is it safe to say that Ditko read MLJ Comics?), encounters some weird voodoo bad guys in Louisianna of all places.... and the face of Siva!
(from Top Notch Comics #6 - on newsstands Apr 1940, artwork by C.A. Winter)

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