Friday, March 3, 2017

(On Newsstands in Nov 1951)

That run of Montana covers must've had an effect on Bill Vigoda, because here's another quality undervalued example, with perfect body language and humor... he's even stepped up the 'hint of sexuality' with these last two (the twist of Veronica's hip, accentuating the movement of her breasts so...) Ok, ok, enough with the Sigmund Freud routine!
I just wish he'd tone down Archie's beaver teeth!
(from Archie Comics #54 - Nov. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

Inside front cover ad for the whole line of Archie related books..
(from Archie Comics #54 - Nov. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda?)

I've made no attempt to hide my affection for George Frese's work, and this sequence leading into the next page is just classic. One of my favorite Golden Age Archie stories... Here, Betty and Veronica are, as usual battling for Archie's affection, and as Veronica keeps trying to send Betty away for something to drink, Betty decides to ask Archie into the kitchen to help her put in a new light bulb....
(from Archie Comics #54 - Nov. 1951, artwork by George Frese)

And when the lights go out again and Veronica wants to get to the bottom of what's going on...
Long before the first episode of Riverdale was even thought off...Maybe one of the greatest lesser known panels in Archie history!
(from Archie Comics #54 - Nov. 1951, artwork by George Frese)

In the same issue...this pretty much sums up every Archie attempt to get out of trouble...
(from Archie Comics #54 - Nov. 1951, artwork by George Frese?)

Some of these Public Service ads could be gruesome!
(from Archie Comics #54 - Nov. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda?)

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