Wednesday, March 1, 2017

(On Newsstands in Sept 1951)

The improvement of Bill Vigoda's art and the incorporation of the house style into his work, had really paid off, and whereas there are very few non-Montana covers that would really cause me to take notice (until Harry Lucey started doing them) this is one that I really like. Featuring Betty of course.
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

When Dilton convince's Mr. Weatherbee to institute his 'Obey Your Impulse' mantra throughout the school, it leads to some funny hijinks...
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

...some of which you wouldn't see in a current issue of Archie!
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

Some panels... are better left unsaid...
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Samm Schwartz)

Hardly a better illustration of the relationship between Archie and the world around him... HIS carefree and unknowing clumsiness and the world's frustration from it!
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

You have to wonder... when it even manages to manifest itself to someone he really has a great deal of interest in, like Veronica, if it's some inborn, uncontrollable reflex or...
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

...just a subconscious way to get her out of her clothes!
(from Archie Comics #53 - Sept. 1951, artwork by Billl Vigoda)

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