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Thursday, July 26, 2018

(On Newsstands July 16th, 1954)

Yeah... it was time for some new blood, as some of these covers were not always up to par.... it's hard to knock a guy like Vigoda who'd been around since almost the beginning and was a constant workhorse for the company, so I'll lay the blame squarely on the company!
(from Archie Comics #70 - July 16th, 1954, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

Archie's dad gets an earful...
(from Archie Comics #70 - July 16th, 1954, artwork by Samm Schwartz?)

Moose does a number on Archie....
(from Archie Comics #70 - July 16th, 1954, artwork by Samm Schwartz?)

(from Archie Comics #70 - July 16th, 1954, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

(from Archie Comics #70 - July 16th, 1954, artwork by Harry Lucey)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

She's Josie #6
(On newsstands March 1st, 1964)

A special treat for today, as we take a break from our Golden Age greatness and present a full story from the Silver Age featuring Josie, BEFORE her and her friends formed a band! Written by Frank Doyle with art by Dan DeCarlo, this came out the same month as Amazing Spider-man #13 (1st appearance of Mysterio!)

Monday, July 23, 2018

Archie Original Artwork

I'm a huge fan of original artwork, so I thought I'd share a link to a place you can look at original pieces like the one above. These ARE NOT mine, but they're always fun to look at...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

(On Newsstands in October 1st, 1952)

Maybe one of the more well liked covers from the series, it features... well it features Ginger's cute little butt as she comfortably lounges on her bed!
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

After Ginger reads that more people die of overeating than any other way, she decides to guilt the whole school into a path to bulimia! 
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

Once she meets the writer though... she isn't very impressed!
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

The popularity of Archie continued to explode and hey, why not put out what is essentially ANOTHER 25 cent Annual sized book? Pals n Gals would come out like an annual for the first number of issues as well... it wouldn't become a regular title for almost a decade!
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

In the regular Archie Comics, Betty and Veronica were staying fully clad, but Ginger had a habit of getting dressed in front of us!
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

And even in her gym clothes... George Frese had a way of rendering her that was different from B&V, but equally as 'charming'.
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

For some reason, Ginger's hair goes blonde on one page of the comic...
(from Ginger #4 - October 1st, 1952, artwork by George Frese)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Life With Archie #28
(On Newsstands in May 1st, 1964)

And here's a Harry Lucey classic about the Riverdale Hillbillies! Enjoy!