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Monday, February 27, 2017

(On Newsstands in March 1940)

Ira Novick’s covers were always great for this series, and here the theme of war once again plays a part. Almost a year before Captain America show up we had the Shield already protecting the U.S.!
(from Pep Comics #4 - March 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

Two months before the epic battle between the Sub-Mariner and the Human Torch in Timely Comics, we had the FIRST meeting of two established superhero in MLJ Comics! That’s right… here the Wizard meets the Shield and help each other out over the course of a few panels, so… THIS is the first official Superhero Team-up!
(from Pep Comics #4 - March 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

Writer/artist Jack Cole’s ‘The Comet’ is still on the run from the Police… who have no problem shooting at him right out on the streets!
(from Pep Comics #4 - March 1940, artwork by Jack Cole)

Long before it would be considered ‘political’, The Comet took an accountant’s path to crime fighting and exposing big business for their manipulation!
(from Pep Comics #4 - March 1940, artwork by Jack Cole)

Fu Chang deals with metal robot’s, voodoo spells, and tiny imp helpers… Manly Wade Wellman was pulling out all the stops on this one!
(from Pep Comics #4 - March 1940, artwork by Lin Streeter)

Broken down in it’s simplest form, the aliens see us as women for wives and men as food! More Manly Wade Bellmen fun from Rocket and the Queen of Diamonds.  
(from Pep Comics #4 - March 1940, artwork by Lin Streeter)

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