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Friday, February 24, 2017

(On Newsstands in June 1951)

George Frese (I'm pretty sure this is him) is the great unheralded Golden Age Archie artist. Here he does his best Bob Montana (which is the point) and even has the clever frustration of Betty, and the drool of Archie. His Veronica has little less hint of sexuality than BM might've drawn, but seriously, I'm ok with it!
(from Archie Comics #51 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

Further proof than Jughead had date(s), and Archie Comics wanted to let us know. Though some of the girls in that picture, I guess I can see why he downplayed it so much...
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by George Frese?)

Mr. Weatherbee teaches the class First Aid with disasterous results, in one of my favorite stories from this era "Operation Band-Aid". 
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by George Frese?)

Here at Undercover Archie Headquaters, we pride ourselves on finding panels in past issues that just wouldn't make it in today's Archie Comics. Come on Mark Waid, prove me wrong!
(P.S. Really enjoying the new Archie, the Riverdale TV show, AND my old Archie's. It's ok to like all three!)
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by George Frese?)

Wow! In 1951, an 'expensive' car was $7000...
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by George Frese?)

Another PSA comic story where Jughead gets bit by a dog. Not sure why I found this so funny, it's actually a pretty traumatic event... just not something you see everyday in an Archie Comic! Poor Juggie even had to go to the doctor...
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by George Frese?)

Betty will occasionally sum up her Archie miscalculations in humorous ways, and this one even includes an extremely nervous looking Dilton! What's making you so nervous old boy?
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

And finally, thanks to a little trickery, Archie finally gets a little play in with Veronica, though her reaction in that last panel means it's not exactly going so well...
(from Archie Comics #51 - May 1951, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

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