Friday, June 22, 2018

(On Newsstands in June 1951)

It's getting harder and harder to find stories in Archie during the Senate Hearings/Comics Code scare that you couldn't find in TODAY'S Archie Comics. That's how careful they were getting.
So I purposely saved one of my favorite, lesser known Archie series from the 50's, GINGER, which started two years earlier from where we were at with Archie Comics, to show the difference.
And besides the general topic... I sure do like Ginger's yellow sweater!
(from Ginger #1 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

It may not SEEM like a big deal, a student getting all swoony over her teacher - Ginger's eyes, and... two other parts of her body, zero'd in on her HIGH SCHOOL teacher; but today's headlines would make this story a no go!
(from Ginger #1 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

Ah... the French have a way of making anything sound sexier or dirty than it already might be... didn't matter, as Ginger couldn't afford the bottle any way!
(from Ginger #1 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

Ginger in the bath with a stategically placed wash cloth... oh, the horror of those 50's comics!
(from Ginger #1 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

George Frese even had to do the artwork for the ad in his own comic, competing against the comic he was also drawing for! And boy, Veronica's skirt is sure exposing some thigh! Oh, the horror of those 50's comics!
(from Ginger #1 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

Another great story you won't see in today's Archie comics, is when Ginger gets the rifle with blanks messed up with the one with REAL ammo in it, that she uses to (she thinks) pretend to shoot an apple off her dad's head!
Good thing she's a good shot!
(from Ginger #1 - June 1951, artwork by George Frese)

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