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Thursday, June 21, 2018

(On Newsstands in July 1953)

Not the funniest of Archie covers, but with the Family Friendly scare going on during the paranoid days leading up the Comics Code...
(from Archie Comics #64 - July 1953, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

As always though, the subtle touches of female posing still made their way into the stories...
(from Archie Comics #64 - July 1953, artwork by Harry Lucey?)

One things for sure... they just kept selling MORE comics. Has it been year between Annuals already?
(from Archie Comics #64 - July 1953, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

They even had celebrities appearing in the comic, like Arthur Godrey, a radio and television personality. WHOLESOME celebrities...
(from Archie Comics #64 - July 1953, artwork by ?)

Still... some things in Archie remained the same!

NOTE: Is this Dan DeCarlo, two years before he'd go to work for Archie Comics full time? Looks a bit like the style he'd use early on for Sabrina...
(from Archie Comics #64 - July 1953, artwork by Dan DeCarlo?)

And panels like this without a description, are always fun!
(from Archie Comics #64 - July 1953, artwork by Bill Vigoda)

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