Saturday, April 1, 2017

(On Newsstands in November 1940)

Superheroes were everywhere and MLJ continued to climb on board, DC's the Spectre had been out for about a year, and the Spirit had hit newspapers back in the summer...
(from Blue Ribbon Comics #9 - on newsstands November 1940, artwork by Sam Cooper)

Sam Cooper really got a chance to shine on this lead feature, sending Rang-A-Tang to second tier status!
(from Blue Ribbon Comics #9 - on newsstands November 1940, artwork by Sam Cooper)

Before Eisner's Spirit was getting creative with layouts, other artists were experimenting with design as well...
(from Blue Ribbon Comics #9 - on newsstands November 1940, artwork by Irwin Hansen)

(On Newsstands in November 1940)

Not only did we get a new feature superhero in Blue Ribbon this month, but... the Shield got a new sidekick! Dusty the Boy Detective. Man, who could the influence be for that?
(from Pep Comics #11 - November 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

What could make a kid give up his simple life of fun and playing to go and want to hunt criminals...ohhh...
(from Pep Comics #11 - November 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

As simple as that!
(from Pep Comics #11 - November 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

More cool Sam Cooper layouts from Bentley of Scotland Yard... this is why he got chosen to do Mr. Justice!
(from Pep Comics #11 - November 1940, artwork by Sam Cooper)

(On Newsstands in November 1940)

The Wizard and HIS boy wonder make the cover with the Black Hood, showing off MLJ's growing stable of super heroes!
(from Top Notch Comics #11 - on newsstands November 1940, artwork by Al Camy)

The Skull would go to any lengths to get what he wants!
(from Top Notch Comics #11 - on newsstands November 1940, artwork by Al Camy)

And his plans were always diabolical...
(from Top Notch Comics #11 - on newsstands November 1940, artwork by Al Camy)

(On Newsstands in November 1940)

Cover of the month has to go to Biro's Zip Comics #10. He had to be proud of that, even if MLJ was more excited about Dicky in the Magic Forest!
(from Zip Comics #10 - November 1940, artwork by Charles Biro)

And yes, we're occasionally reminded of the times...
(from Zip Comics #10 - November 1940, artwork by Charles Biro)

Inez gets in a bind in the Scarlet Avenger!
(from Zip Comics #10 - November 1940, artwork by Mort Meskin)

1 comment:

  1. What, Negroes are like Mohhammed, you must never draw a picture of one? Imagine if Negroes were treated equally, like Dagwood or Dilbert or Henry or Jon.
