Monday, March 13, 2017

(On Newsstands in June 1940)

One thing that, to me, sets Pep Comics (pre-Archie) apart from the other 1st line of MLJ titles, is the Irv Novick covers that started right here with this one… the darkness of the bad guys, the sexuality (and some light bondage) of the female, the violence… Irv would do some great covers over the next two years, and I point to this one as the start of it all!
(from Pep Comics #7 - June 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

The Shield was a little less selective about the way he interrogated criminals! (As were most Golden Age Superheroes)
(from Pep Comics #7 - June 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

Kayo Ward has his own way of handling things, as 'Rupy La Vez' gets a public spanking…ah, the 40’s were a different time!
(from Pep Comics #7 - June 1940, artwork by Bob Wood)

(On Newsstands in June 1940)

Edd Ashe shows the Wizard isn’t just a big brain, but man of big muscles as well! Hey, who’s that down on the bridge….
(from Top Notch Comics #7 - on newsstands June 1940, artwork by Edd Ashe)

Yep, the Shield would co-star yet again, meaning… Top Notch may not have been selling as well as Pep, and MLJ wanted to show that the Wizard was just as cool as the Shield. And to emphasize it even more, you may notice the Wizard has given up his tuxedo with a cape for a more… ahem…. ‘Superman’ look!
(from Top Notch Comics #7 - on newsstands June 1940, artwork by Edd Ashe)

Top Notch had probably one of the more interesting full line ups of character stories now with the Wizard, Galahad, Shanghai Sheridan (pictured here), Streak Chandler (on Mars!), Wings Johnson, Dick Storm, Bob Phantom, Keith Cordell (the West Pointer), and Kardak (the Mystic Magician)
(from Top Notch Comics #7 - on newsstands June 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

A nice little touch to add to a story consistently showcasing orientals as bad guys….
(from Top Notch Comics #7 - on newsstands June 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

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