Tuesday, March 7, 2017

(On Newsstands in May 1940)

As competition at the newsstand continued to grow (68 titles for the month of May 1940, up from 55 the month before), Irv Novick continued to try and make the Shield as big as life and ready to fight for the U.S.!
(from Pep Comics #6 - May 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

FDR makes an appearance, maybe one of the earliest comic book appearances for a President...
(from Pep Comics #6 - May 1940, artwork by Irv Novick)

While the Comet continued to be on the run from police, over in Sergeant Boyle's storyline, he managed to complete an entire mission in a dress! 
(from Pep Comics #6 - May 1940, artwork by Charles Biro)

(On Newsstands in May 1940)

Did I mention at least 68 titles on the newsstand for the month? Charles Biro also made Steel Sterling, larger than life and ready to fight for the U.S.!
(from Zip Comics #6 - May 1940, artwork by Charles Biro)

... though his portrayal of the hired help, left a little to be desired...
(from Zip Comics #6 - May 1940, artwork by Charles Biro)

...though Kalthar faced some... interesting characters as well!
(from Zip Comics #6 - May 1940, artwork by Robert Pious)

(On Newsstands in May 1940)

And rounding out the month is another larger than life MLJ hero, poised to defend the U.S.!!
(from Blue Ribbon Comics #5 - on newsstands May 1940, artwork by Edd Ashe)

Rang-A-Tang had his... paws full with a lion, who out thinks and gets captured... but that's nothing compared with....
(from Blue Ribbon Comics #5 - on newsstands May 1940, artwork by Ed Smalle)

...how he exposes the bad guy! 
(from Blue Ribbon Comics #5 - on newsstands May 1940, artwork by Ed Samlle)

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