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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

MOON GIRL #5 EC Comics (Fall 1948)

What is this, you say? I know I primarily review MLJ/Archie stuff, but I wanted to highlight what I think is a great project from our friends at Canton Street Products. They're making fully restored replica editions of Golden Age books, solicited through Diamond Comics (Ask your LCS or order some for your store or order direct:

These are really fantastic looking replica's, that have been created to look as close to the originals as possible! They're the same size, with all of ads and editorial in place, and even though the art has been restored, they've gone to great effort to keep the look and feel of the original. No glossy paper and no garish colors!

This issue has been printed, and will be followed by Black Cat Mystery #50, Moon Girl #1, and Teen-Age Romances #14 (and Pep Comics?)
Check out to order direct and see some of the other great items they have (I have that Matt Baker Canteen Kate Collection - incredibly well done! Maybe we can get them to do a collection of Dan DeCarlo lesser known pre-Archie stuff like his Yardbirds and Wendy the WAF!)

Golden Age fans and Comic Historians should love these, so be sure to order your copies and let's help support these! 

This key issue is famous for being the first Johnny Craig Horror story and what is considered the start of the classic EC Horror reign.

Check it out!


  1. Thanks for the nice review. I have a copy of Pep #1 in my collection that I plan to make into a replica at some point. I was not familiar with those DeCarlo stories. They are quite good, especially Wendy the WAF. Too bad he didn't do more of those stories.

  2. Oh Yeah... really great lesser known work of his!
