Thursday, August 7, 2014

(Well...not the REAL Archie, but...)

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I'm a little behind on my posting schedule (said every blogger at some point), so I thought I'd share some thoughts on the variant covers of the Death of Archie 2 part story from Life With Archie #36-37 (a great series, you should most definitely check it out!)

Fiona Staples (most recently of 'Saga' fame) has been doing some great Archie variant covers, my favorite being that Life With Archie #24 Josie and the Pussycays variant (I have a Signature Series copy of it!)

Sticking to that Rock 'n' Roll theme, her variant for this is really wonderful...

Mike Allred (Madman, iZombie) is one of my favorite artists, and he doesn't disappoint here...

I thought Cliff Chiang's cover was one of the most underrated... really a powerful statement... Betty and Veronica walking in unison... Jughead doing what he does best at his friend's grave (and removing his never removed hat in respect)....

Tommy Lee Edwards - not my favorite, but.... well done.

It's hard for Francesco Francavilla to do anything I DON'T like, and THIS is just beautiful, from the camera angle to the colors... the rain...

I've heard some criticism of this Adam Hughes variant, but I liked it. The girls of course, are his specialty and his focus, though fittingly their sexuality is downplayed here. It's interesting how many of these artists focused on that soda glass...

Ramon Perez has really been doing some great work, and I love this variant in particular. Wish i could get up to the Boston Comic Con this weekend and get him to sign a few of these for me...

This has probably been the most criticized of all the covers, and I just can't figure out why. Personally, I think Alex Ross has captured what the gang would look like in real life better than anyone I had ever seen and yes, it IS kinda creepy.... but I love it!

Walt Simonson is a great artist, a master of his craft, but I was a bit disappointed with this one... and I don't get the Thinker statue...

Jill Thompson is awesome, and I really like what she's done here... more Archie variants from Jill please! 

See... to me... THIS is kinda creepy...

This is the second print cover to the magazine sized issue collecting both #36-37 (I was too lazy to scan my 1st print - it has an intense purple 'hue' to the grey area)... pretty graphic...

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  1. The "Thinker" statue has appeared in front of Riverdale High, periodically, since the 40s.

  2. D'oh! How'd I not remember that?
