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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PEP COMICS #62-66 (July 1947 - March 1948)
LAUGH COMICS #22-26 (Spring 1947 - April 1948)

Al Fagaly was also doing the covers for Laugh Comics and Pep Comics... 
(from Laugh Comics #22 - Spring 1947)

Occasionally Bill Woggon would treat us to a Betty and Veronica story...

(from Laugh Comics #22 - Spring 1947)

Even Fred Andrew's wasn't above losing his cool in the presence of a beautiful woman...

(from Laugh Comics #22 - Spring 1947)

But mostly Mr. Andrew's had a different kind of woman causing him trouble...

(from Laugh Comics #23 - Summer 1947)

Plenty of long time Archie fans, would've loved to be in this position!

(from Laugh Comics #23 - Summer 1947)

Veronica cheesecake from Irv Novick...

 (from Laugh Comics #23 - Summer 1947)

Al Fagaly had a sort of 1920's-30's art deco style to some of his women...

(from Pep Comics #64 - Nov 1947)

One of the funniest early Archie stories... reprinted in Archie Americana Series, Best of the Forties; Archie his first 50 years, the Best of Archie Comics, and now in the Archie Archives Volume Eight!
Check out Archie's eyes!

 (from Pep Comics #64 - Nov 1947)

As usual for a funny Archie story, Mr. Weatherbee takes a beating...

 (from Pep Comics #64 - Nov 1947)

some of it deserved...

 (from Pep Comics #64 - Nov 1947)

but that dummy causes more confusion...

 (from Pep Comics #64 - Nov 1947)

From Laugh Comics #24, it can be said that with Novick and Woggon doing the Betty and Veronica stories, Bill Vigoda was obviously watching and learning...

(from Laugh Comics #24 - December 1947)

Half Undressed Angry Betty! SEE! He gets it!

 (from Laugh Comics #24 - December 1947)

Even though Laugh Comics would feature stories from Wilbur, Suzie, Katy Keene, and others... it was Archie and his gang that was featured on the cover.

(from Laugh Comics #25 - Feb 1948)

The story in Laugh Comics #25 featured a number of rarities, a) Archie dating someone other than Betty or Veronica, b) Jughead with a 'date', and c) Archie getting stabbed in the hand with a fork.

Despite all of that, the story was essientially a copy of  Bob Montana's "Case of the Missing Mistletoe" story from Archie #1. NOT a retouched copy... I take it they were past that... but the same basic idea.

 (from Laugh Comics #25 - Feb 1948)

Though it ends up double good for Archie this time....

 (from Laugh Comics #25 - Feb 1948)

Another good Al Fagaly cover, with a more Montana-ish looking Betty...

(from Pep Comics #65 - Jan 1948)

Veronica likes Weenies!

 (from Pep Comics #65 - Jan 1948)

Good, clean fun that you just wouldn't see in an Archie Comic today...

(from Pep Comics #65 - Jan 1948)

Great cover. I might like some of Fagaly's Pep and Laugh covers better than the Archie ones...

(from Pep Comics #66 - Mar 1948)

Mr. Lodge tells Veronica to shut up!
Also: Anyone else notice this story, drawn by Irv Novick, has a somewhat more defined inking to it?

 (from Pep Comics #66 - Mar 1948)


 (from Pep Comics #66 - Mar 1948)

These stories and more can be found in:

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