Thursday, March 20, 2014

(On Newsstands November 1947 - January 1948)

Early on, Archie’s already had his share of dressing as a woman, but in this story he actually switches clothes with Veronica.

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Seems Archie thinks men are better dancers (when it comes to the Jitterbug anyway) and he sets out to prove it, though he ends up regretting Reggie as a partner.

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

...though Veronica as a boy dancing with Betty has an interesting take on it...

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Wertham may have missed this one out of context... Interesting reading choices for Veronica!

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Well here it is. How often have you thought, Archie should just punch that Reggie right in the jaw. He has!

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Though... every once in awhile Reggie cracks a joke that makes me laugh...

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

You think they were hard on Big Ethel? Look at some of the other girls in Archie’s class. 
Oh, and in case you’re keeping track, that’s a Gabby appearance (center in the Black and Green).

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Archie puzzle page from issue #31. Not sure who did the art, but it’s not the best rendition of those characters...

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Yeah....I'll bet you do!

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Not sure why I got such a kick out this, but I had to include it...

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Though he gets his revenge (temporarily). Cat Lovers are NOT going to like to see this!

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

They actually had to show the fabric torn in this or else that would’ve been one of the funniest Archie panels ever....

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Betty threatens to MURDER Veronica!

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)


Some of these stories can be found in:

1 comment:

  1. #31 Puzzle page, the art appears to be by Joe Edwards, to me.
