Thursday, March 20, 2014

(On Newsstands November 1947 - January 1948)

Early on, Archie’s already had his share of dressing as a woman, but in this story he actually switches clothes with Veronica.

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Seems Archie thinks men are better dancers (when it comes to the Jitterbug anyway) and he sets out to prove it, though he ends up regretting Reggie as a partner.

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

...though Veronica as a boy dancing with Betty has an interesting take on it...

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Wertham may have missed this one out of context... Interesting reading choices for Veronica!

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Well here it is. How often have you thought, Archie should just punch that Reggie right in the jaw. He has!

(from Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

Though... every once in awhile Reggie cracks a joke that makes me laugh...

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

You think they were hard on Big Ethel? Look at some of the other girls in Archie’s class. 
Oh, and in case you’re keeping track, that’s a Gabby appearance (center in the Black and Green).

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Archie puzzle page from issue #31. Not sure who did the art, but it’s not the best rendition of those characters...

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Yeah....I'll bet you do!

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Not sure why I got such a kick out this, but I had to include it...

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Though he gets his revenge (temporarily). Cat Lovers are NOT going to like to see this!

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

They actually had to show the fabric torn in this or else that would’ve been one of the funniest Archie panels ever....

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

Betty threatens to MURDER Veronica!

(from Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)


Some of these stories can be found in:

Friday, March 14, 2014

Indianapolis, IN
March 14, 2014

Indiana Comic Con (Archie Edition) - I drove the four hours to Indianapolis, as sort of a warm up to my crazy comic convention season where I'll be going to at least 7 shows in the next four months!

One of the highlights of the show for me was picking up a couple of original art pieces from Andrew Pepoy. When they were putting together the Archie Dailies book, there were some pieces of Bob Montana's art that weren't quite up to reproduction standards and had to be recreated.

Andrew with this wonderfully recreated Bob Montana Betty...

 A close up of the artwork... I love this piece! As close as I'm ever going to get to a Bob Montana piece of this size!

And the cover for Archie the Complete Daily Newspaper Comics - The Swinging Sixties that it was used for... I'll be reviewing this at some point, but I can say with all certainty right now that... I love the cover!

And while I was at it, I went and picked up one of the regular strips that Andrew had to recreate for it... with Veronica and Betty both in it!

Andrew Pepoy, of course is known for creating one of the most popular Archie variants covers EVER, with this little beauty below.

(Afterlife with Archie #1 - Pepoy Variant)

Here's the unedited version!

It took Archie Comics a couple of months to realize... Hey! This might be a good idea!... so they had Andrew do another 'nighty' variant, this one for the upcoming (next month) Afterlife with Archie #5. 
Ask your local comic shop to reserve one for you!

(Afterlife with Archie #5 - Pepoy Variant)

And the just announced variant for #7 featuring Betty and Veronica both!

(Afterlife with Archie #7 - Pepoy Variant)

AND there was THIS incredible variant for Archie #646!

(Archie #646 - Pepoy Variant)

Friday, March 7, 2014

(Jan 05, 1909 to April 23, 1962)

Al Fagaly's contribution to the history of Archie Comics was in the form of 18 consecutive covers he did, taking over for Bill Vigoda with #17 and ending with #34.

Fagaly had worked in comics for a few years previous, drawing for mainly Marvel (Timely) and Novelty Press.
He was also the creator of Super Duck which he continued to work on for MLJ for another 5 years.
After that, I'm not sure what he went on to do, but it doesn't look like it was anything in comic books.

His first cover for Archie..
(Archie Comics #17, Nov/Dec. 1945)

Archie insults Miss Grundy (Archie Comics #18 Jan/Feb 1946),  a memorable place to eat for Archie! (Archie Comics #19 Mar/Apr 1946) and  Archie loves Veronica! (Archie Comics #20 May/Jun 1946)

Fagaly gets violent! 
(Archie Comics #21 Jul/Aug 1946 - Archie Comics #22 Sept/Oct 1946)

It works the other way as well! Veronica loves Archie! (Archie Comics #23 Nov/Dec 1946) and Archie gets busted! (Archie Comics #24 Jan/Feb 1947) Who's that relative on Archie's wall!?

Fagaly shows Archie's wandering eye (Archie Comics #25 Mar/Apr 1947) and Archie gets creative! (Archie Comics #26 May/Jun 1947)

Besides his first cover, Al Fagaly sure didn't pay much attention to Betty, did he? Hmm...
Well, I won't hold that against him - here's one of my three favorite covers of his...
(Archie Comics #27 Jul/Aug 1947)

This would be my #1 favorite of his. The expression and body language of all three characters is perfect. 
(Archie Comics #28 Sept/Oct 1947)

Another pretty good one... (Archie Comics #29 Nov/Dec 1947)  And, finally a Betty cover... (Archie Comics #30 Jan/Feb 1948)

 Archie mixes his chemicals!
(Archie Comics #31 Mar/Apr 1948)

This would be my third favorite...
(Archie Comics #32 May/Jun 1948)

One last Betty cover... (Archie Comics #33 Jul/Aug 1948)  and Archie answers a question in class! (Archie Comics #34 Sept/Oct 1948