Tuesday, January 14, 2014

(on newsstands September 1946 - March 1947)

In issue #23 of Archie Comics, we were treated to Bill Woggon's first Betty and Veronica story. For the last year and half, Woggon had been writing and drawing his Katy Keene character in the pages of MLJ's WILBUR COMICS (debuting in #5, June 1945).

Inspired by the wartime pin-up girls, his art reflected that 'wholesome' pin-up look, that MLJ wanted to obviously see more of in Betty and Veronica.

(from Archie Comics #23 - Nov./Dec. 1946)

With issue #20, MLJ's the BLACK HOOD would become LAUGH COMICS, and they would use it to feature even more Archie and the gang stories. To help with the increased work load, they had Irv Novick, who'd been MLJ's primary artist on many of it's superhero comics, start drawing some of the Betty and Veronica stories.

As the superhero's were becoming less successful, and Archie was becoming more successful, the companies interest started leaning that way. Thankfully, talented guys like Novick still had work available for him!

Novick would go on to a long career with DC in the 50's, 60's and 70's (including Batman), but for now he gave us some unforgettable B&V moments!

(from Laugh Comics #20 - Fall 1946)

Bill Vigoda was still drawing the rest of Archie Comics, the Archie story in Pep Comics, and now the Archie story in Laugh comics! Is it just me or does it seem unnatural that every time Archie has to dress up like a woman, Weatherbee is always fooled by it and turns into a horny wolf?

(from Pep Comics #59 - Nov./Dec. 1946)

When Vigoda had time, his art really started to look good. Looking at this I wonder if he influenced Bob Burden's work....

 (from Archie Comics #24 - Jan./Feb. 1947)

If all else fails, have Betty and Veronica wrestle in Swimsuits! Novick knew what to do!
And Weatherbee wouldn't miss a girls water polo match for the world...

(from Archie Comics #24 - Jan./Feb. 1947)

As much grief as Betty and Veronica had made for him lately, this was one time when his wolf persona really got him into trouble! Sex Maniac?

(from Archie Comics #24 - Jan./Feb. 1947)

Veronica as a pirate and Archie in a rain coat. What am I reading again?

(from Pep Comics #60 - March 1947)

The Archie line up was growing! Four Million copies per issue!

 (from Archie Comics #25 - March/Apr. 1947)

Sure there's a lot of sexuality in Archie Comics! But does anyone remember the violence?
Mr. Andrews takes it on the jaw...

 (from Archie Comics #25 - March/Apr. 1947)

I'm no tennis player, but if Betty is my instructor, I'm there for every lesson!
Vigoda shoulda worked more of this into his stories!

 (from Archie Comics #25 - March/Apr. 1947)

Find all of these stories here:


  1. Oh, man, Bill Woggon, who I had never heard of, makes B&V extra luscious especially Betty! Ha ha. And where do I sign up for tennis lessons with Betty? All I can say about Bill Vigoda is wow. The more I see his work, the more I like it. Thanks as always for sharing these.

  2. Believe me, it's going to get even better!
