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Thursday, November 28, 2013

BETTY and ME #82-84 
(March 1977 - May 1977)

By the third issue, writer Frank Doyle and artist Stan Goldberg had the 70's soap opera motif down, and each cover was featuring the three story lines inside. Betty and Me #82 was maybe one of the more grim stories, as Archie gets into a serious car accident, Jughead goes to jail and Betty has someone wanting to kill her!

It's not often, or... well, hardly EVER, you see Archie Andrews get in a serious car accident! He's lucky he wasn't thrown from that jalopy! It may not run very well, but I guess the seat belts pass inspection!

(from Betty and Me #82)

Who'd want to hurt our dear, sweet, Betty?

(from Betty and Me #82)

Man, this story was so intense, I had to read one of the advertisements to bring me back to regular Archie world! What? They were only printing 22 titles at the time?

(from Betty and Me #82)

Poor Jughead seems to get the worst of it in these stories (and things haven't started off so well for him in Afterlife with Archie either!), and here he gets sent off into the desert on his own, while Archie is trapped in a harem of beauties and Veronica and Betty find their own genie!
It may sound worse for Jughead, but.... 

Truth is, Archie is taken 'against his will' to be a part of that harem, and for some strange reason, is dead set against it!

(from Betty and Me #83)

Veronica isn't to happy about it either!

(from Betty and Me #83)

So they head off to the ancient City of Gulphoil (get it?) to rescue Archie. Next thing you know, Jughead, who just went along to help, has a gun in his back. What? In an Archie comic?
Jughead's reaction was the same as mine!

(from Betty and Me #83)

Apparently, even more shocking to Jughead, is the word 'Mistress'!

(from Betty and Me #83)

So, it's up to Betty and Veronica! 
They find a magical lamp and unleash the genie from it. In a regular Archie comic, the outcome would've been different. In THIS Archie comic, it turns out it's a HORNY genie. No, seriously.

(from Betty and Me #83)

Slurp? Slaver? Drool?  WOW! How do they get out of this one?

(from Betty and Me #83)

In the next issue, Pop Tate and Veronica end up as Wind Up Toys (Hmmm...)? Dr. Jerkil chasing Archie and Betty?
Ah heck, Jughead gets shrunk in this one! Think how big food will be!

Taken out of context it sounds a bit peculiar...

(from Betty and Me #84)

They're dolls! They're life sized wind up dolls! And NO you can't BUY one! It's just a story!

(from Betty and Me #84)


(from Betty and Me #84)

It's a fun run of stories in the midst of a fun run of stories! I still suggest you get them all!
Next week: Part Three! The finale!


  1. Geez. What an insane story! I was 8 when this stuff was coming out. If I had been into Archie then, I don't think I would have known what was up with this! I sometimes wish I was older then and had been into Archie since, as you say, they were printing 22 titles then! Now it's what, 4? Not including digests and not including Sonic which I don't read. And two of those are bi-monthly. It's kind of amazing that they were able to crank out all that material!

  2. YES! AMAZING the amount of stuff they cranked out! And with a relatively small group of creators.
    It must've been a treat to work on these stories and go wild!
