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Saturday, September 9, 2017

(On Newsstands in August 1962)

Two months after the release of Amazing Fantasy #15, featuring the origin and first appearance of Spider-man, we have here another example of the art telling the story, as 'Steady Study' shows us.
So... just like the story, I'll say no more and let the art do the talking for me!
(from Pep Comics #159 - August 1962, artwork by Bob White?)

Friday, September 1, 2017

(On Newsstands in June 1961)

The Archie Annual from June of 1961, featuring a classic Harry Lucey cover - this cover actually tells us something about the story inside (something that wasn't normally a part of the way Archie Comics were put together) - an equally classic story that we're going to revisit in it's entirety!
(from Archie Annual #13 - June 1961, artwork by Harry Lucey)

Featuring just two words - "Archie' and 'Veronica' - Harry Lucey is going to show us, more than tell us, almost everything we need to know about the Archie Universe! Starting with Archie and Veronica's googly eyed crush for each other - Veronica's insecurity....
(from Archie Annual #13 - June 1961, artwork by Harry Lucey) insecurity that, let's face it, is justified by - Archie's wandering eye... and then we see Veronica's temper... Veronica's wealth....
(from Archie Annual #13 - June 1961, artwork by Harry Lucey)

...Archie's moping over Veronica... Jughead's indifference... Betty's opportunistic and hopefully eager approach to HER crush on Archie...
(from Archie Annual #13 - June 1961, artwork by Harry Lucey)

...Reggie's sneaky and opportunistic approach to Veronica... the short term acceptance of both Archie and Veronica in seeing someone else...
(from Archie Annual #13 - June 1961, artwork by Harry Lucey)

...and of course, Archie and Veronica's OWN opportunistic and timely ability to get back together.... as Betty and Reggie crash from their perspective pie-in-the-sky hopefulness!
As classic as it gets!
(from Archie Annual #13 - June 1961, artwork by Harry Lucey)